Doing That
Doing That
Grateful. Grateful that I am doing what I want to do. Doing that.
What does doing that look like for me?
Wake up at 5:30 AM in order to be sitting at the kitchen table by 6 AM to write a blog post in the series, featuring my answers to common real estate questions.
Breakfast. Take my daughter to school. Family time.
At my desk shortly after 8 AM. Time to get through the first emails of the day. When you get more than a hundred emails a day, best to stay on top of them!
Complete a market analysis for a seller who is interviewing me after lunch.
Coffee break. Catch up with colleagues about the market and new listings this week.
Put together an offer for a buyer client to review. Connect with client on the phone to review comps and the property and the particulars of the situation. Get offer signed and delivered by offer deadline. Multiple offers expected.
Meet a professional photographer at a property to review a photo shoot he will be doing for me when I am out of town. Involved photo shoot for a property under renovation. Careful communication to get it right.
Make keys at locksmith for new listings coming on the market shortly.
Lunch on the go. Check emails and reply.
Meet with potential seller client at his property. Answer questions. Good meeting. Let's do this!
Time for the gym. Listen to webinar on the way there.
Working at my desk in the office in the late afternoon. Creating and running a Facebook ad to promote a new listing. Creating and sending out weekly email to individuals in my database. Three scheduled phone calls with three buyer clients regarding their respective searches.
Conference call with current seller client regarding their property now for sale. Seller traveling.
In person meeting with future developer client regarding current project underway.
Time for email again. Catch up on the market by reviewing all inventory in Cambridge and Somerville in MLS.
Head for home. Dinner. Family time.
Catching up later in the evening on email and planning the day ahead and writing another blog post in this series. Communicating with listing agent regarding offer in. Updating my buyer client by phone.
Grateful that I am doing what I want to do. Doing that.
Grateful 24/7/365.