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Seller Success Story: Fast!

Charles Cherney

Passionate about teaching after graduating from Harvard, I ultimately found myself drawn into the world of real estate in Cambridge and Somerville...

Passionate about teaching after graduating from Harvard, I ultimately found myself drawn into the world of real estate in Cambridge and Somerville...

Feb 19 3 minutes read

I arrived at Paige and Graham's Cambridge condo for our first meeting on a Sunday evening in September. We sat down together at the dining room table after they put their little one to sleep.

Paige opened the conversation.

"So, Charles, the signed purchase and sale on the next home we are buying states that my husband Graham and I need to have a buyer sign the purchase and sale agreement on this place in two weeks time."

The thing was, their current place wasn't on the market.

And, after my home tour, I could see it wasn't even close to being ready to go on the market.

"Guys," I said. "May I ask you something?"

"Sure," they said. "What is it?"

"I'd like to start working on preparing your home for sale immediately. Not a second to lose."

"Do you really need to start right now?" Paige asked me.

I pulled out my phone. "Y E S" I said.

As soon as they nodded their heads OKAY, I started dialing.

Within the hour while still there with them, I had orchestrated scheduling the following people to come to their home in the next 48 hours:
• A painter for touch-up painting
• A handyman to address a few items
• A housecleaner to clean
• Window cleaners to professionally clean the windows
• A floor plan person for a floor plan for marketing
• My professional photographer for a photo shoot
• The sign company to install a For Sale sign

And just like that we were off to the races!

All of this work - yes, all of it - completed by end of the day on Wednesday.

The marketing photos of their home came to me by email on Thursday morning. Property listed for sale right afterwards.

Sign in yard and first showings of the home on Friday.

Open houses hosted by me on Saturday and Sunday.

Offer accepted for over the asking price on Monday.

Purchase and sale signed by the date stipulated in Paige and Graham's signed purchase and sale agreement on their next home.

Thank you, NEXT!


It doesn't always go so fast. But it can. And in this case, it did!

Such a rapid pace is not for the faint at heart. Or the inexperienced agent.

No margin for error. None at all. High stakes.

On the evening that they signed the purchase and sale for their Cambridge condo, I came over with a bottle of champagne for Paige and Graham.

"Charles," said a smiling Graham while popping open the bottle of bubbly, "when it's time to do this again, we are going to contact you – just a whole lot sooner!"

That bottle of champagne went fast!


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