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Buyer Success Story: Finally

Charles Cherney

Passionate about teaching after graduating from Harvard, I ultimately found myself drawn into the world of real estate in Cambridge and Somerville...

Passionate about teaching after graduating from Harvard, I ultimately found myself drawn into the world of real estate in Cambridge and Somerville...

Oct 17 3 minutes read

Seven months and six offers into their home search in the heated seller’s market in Cambridge, MA, my buyer clients Ron and Anna were ready for some good news.

After all, they were not making weak tea offers.

Would offer number seven be their lucky one?

Mortgage contingency? REMOVED.


Nice letter to the seller? OF COURSE.

Accommodate seller’s wish to close in six months rather than six weeks? SURE. WHY NOT?!?

The listing agent got back to me late the same night with an update. Four offers on the table. All strong. Second round of bidding with best and final due the next morning. I connected with Ron and Anna and we talked at length. They decided to make their best offer even better. All in.

And they lost. Again.

Let me tell you, that was a very hard phone call for me to make. To their credit, Ron and Anna took the news in stride. “We have our health,” they said. “And our family. The adventure continues, Charles!”

I reached out to the listing agent to thank him and to wish him well with the accepted offer. I appreciated his clear communication throughout the process and how he handled the multiple offers and two rounds of bidding. I let him know this. He appreciated it.

TWO WEEKS LATER . . . While driving, I get a phone call from the listing agent. The buyers with the accepted offer backed out. The sellers wanted to see if Ron and Anna wanted to submit a new offer. The sellers appreciated their previous offer and letter and wanted to see if they wanted to step in.

They did. Soon thereafter, their offer was accepted!

Fast forward 6+ months. It’s finally time for the closing. And moving in. It’s a fantastic home. They love it. “We love our new home even more than we could imagine,” says Anna. “And it has already appreciated in value!” exclaims Ron. 


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