3 Things Paul Rudolph + Patsy + 02138
1. Hidden Jewel - Paul Rudolph House on Avon Hill
This might just be my favorite house in all of Cambridge, MA. Read More.
Paul Rudolph house in Cambridge, MA
Set back from the street and hidden from view on Avon Hill.
2. CharlesCherneyBlog.com – Happy Birthday, Mom!
My mom – Patsy – is 80 years young. Here's to you!
3. VIDEO: Cost of Living in 02138
How much does it cost to live in Cambridge zip code 02138? Check out my video answering this question.
Cost of Living in Cambridge Zip Code 02138
🏘 02138 is the most famous zip code in Cambridge.
Blog Post Series - 3 Things Charles Cherney
Charles Cherney shares observations on life and his experiences in this series.